A non-Linear process

My Design process

Every design problem needs to be approached differently. I make design choices based on the research results, what the team or I require to understand. To be able to create a product that is needed, wanted but especially effective.

Design process



Involving the users to understand what their needs are...



Generating multiple ideas with the end-users, to create a fitting idea...


Collecting all the required ingredients to make a fitting prototype...​



Eat, sleep, prototype, ideation, research, and repeat...


A four-step process with multiple sub-layer design choices​

Based on the context I decide what methods are applicable for the project. These methods are not fixed and can always change depending on the information/data I receive.

Understanding the context

1. Research

Research in my design process is collecting the correct and the right amount of puzzle pieces, to be able to put all pieces together. To see what the end-users want or what they required in their context of use.

Research methods
  • Desk research
  • Field research
  • Empathy interviews
  • Expert review
  • Eye movement tracking
  • Card sorting
  • Usability testing
  • Lo-fi Prototyping
  • Fragment cards
  • Thematic analysis
Puzzels pieces
concepting methods
A user-centric process

2. Ideation

The phase where I generate Ideas with the team and or the users. This is done by using one or multiple correct concept creation methods and asking the rights questions and, addressing the issues with focus on the users and their needs.

Concepting methods
  • Brainstorm cards
  • How might we
  • Brain writing
  • 10×10
  • Build it, break it, fix it
  • Analogy thinking
  • Opposite thinking
  • How now wow matrix
  • Idea shopping cart
  • Mash-ups
Building the solution

3. Prototyping

Collecting all the correct puzzle pieces and creating an experimental solution. These prototypes can vary in degrees of fidelity to capture a design concept and test it on users. I always iterate.

Prototyping methods
  • Low-Fidelity
  • Medium-Fidelity
  • High-Fidelity
  • Interactive prototypes
  • Paper prototypes
  • Rapid prototypes
  • Evolutionary prototypes
  • Incremental prototypes
Feedback sessions in a room
Iterating and improving

4. Evaluation

Eat, sleep, prototype, ideation, research, and repeat. Evaluation of the solution is extremely important It allows me to gain insight into how users perceive a product and how it can be improved.

  • Usability testing
  • Guerilla testing
  • Lab usability testing
  • Unmoderated remote usability testing
  • Moderated usability testing
  • Contectual inquiry
  • Phone interview
  • Card sorting
  • Session recording
  • A/B testing

Unique elements

There are a few elements in my process that are unique, but these elements shape the outcome and the results of the final product.


Back to Basic

You need to understand the symptoms first to be able to cure the virus



The function of the intestines is more important than physical appearance.

User centric

The user knows best, always included from the beginning till the end and beyond.


Love it

Enjoyment, love the work, and respect the team. Then results will be achieved beyond expectations.
